Search Results
Results for the search SAA follow:
No. | Hearing Day | Date (DD-MM-YYYY) - click to open | Description |
1 | Day 114 | 18-6-2019 | Testimony of former Chief Financial Officer of SAA, Ms Phumeza Nhantsi. |
2 | Day 115 | 19-6-2019 | Testimony of former Chief Financial Officer of SAA, Ms Phumeza Nhantsi, Day 2. |
3 | Day 274 | 1-10-2020 | The Commission hears Aviation related evidence from the Premier of North West Province, Prof Job Mokgoro and also from the former Head of Procurement at SAA, Ms Nontsasa Memela. |
4 | Day 296 | 2-11-2020 | The Commission will hear Aviation related evidence from the former Board Member of South African Airways (SAA) and the Chairperson of SAAT, Ms Yakhe Kwinana. |
5 | Day 297 | 3-11-2020 | The Commission continues to hear Aviation related evidence from the former Board Member of South African Airways (SAA) and the Chairperson of SAAT, Ms Yakhe Kwinana. |
6 | Day 298 | 4-11-2020 | The Commission will continue to hear Aviation related evidence from the Former Board Chairperson of South African Airways, (SAA): Ms Duduzile Myeni at 11:00. |
7 | Day 299 | 5-11-2020 | The Commission will continue to hear Aviation related testimony from the former Board Chairperson of South African Airways SOC Limited (SAA), Ms Duduzile Myeni, on Thursday, 05 November 2020 at 10:00. |
8 | Day 300 | 6-11-2020 | The Commission will continue to hear Aviation related testimony from the former Board Chairperson of South African Airways SOC Limited (SAA), Ms Duduzile Myeni, on Friday, 06 November 2020 at 09:00. |
9 | Day 301 | 7-11-2020 | The state capture commission will continue with its hearings in Johannesburg today with a former board member of SAA Yakhe Kwinana appearing again. |
10 | Day 402 | 25-5-2021 | The Commission will hear Aviation related testimony from the former Board Chairperson of South African Airways SOC Limited (SAA), Ms Duduzile Myeni, on Tuesday, 25 May 2021 at 09:00. |
11 | Day 426 | 10-8-2021 | The Commission will hold a virtual hearing to hear Aviation related testimony on Tuesday, 10 August 2021 at 10:00 from the Former South Africa Airways (SAA) CEO Ms Sizakele Mzimela who will be cross examined by legal representative of Mr Malusi Gigaba. |